The Term Benign Neglect Can Be Used to Describe the Nixon Administration's Policies in Which Area?

Beneficial Fail

khlaid Photo1cropThis month marks the celebration of a unique and momentous issue in the political history of the The states, namely the resignation of Richard Nixon as the 37th president of the Usa.

Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974 amid controversy connected to the Watergate scandal during his administration and the subsequent attempted comprehend-up and obstruction of justice. Faced with the likelihood of a successful congressional impeachment or forced removal from part, Nixon decided on the less excruciating choice of resignation.

As a successor to President Lyndon Johnson, the Nixon administration witnessed the emergence and popularity of various Black Power and Black Liberation formations throughout the Blackness/New Afrikan community. The Nixon administration too witnessed increased popular back up, particularly amongst youth and students, for ending the war in Vietnam.

Many Blackness/New Afrikan communities were all the same simmering from the days and nights of riot and rebellion associated with the murder and assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Apr of 1968.

Against this backdrop, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, one of Nixon's chief advisors on urban affairs suggested that possibly the most efficient method for dealing with Blacks/New Afrikans, and the international political embarrassment associated with their poverty and vicious oppression was to only ignore them. Categorically deny their beingness, and let them dice and wither away. The term used was benign neglect.

Merriam-Webster defines benign neglect as "an mental attitude or policy of ignoring an oftentimes frail or undesirable state of affairs that one is held to be responsible for."

And so, for decades since the 1960's, America has been involved in the unwritten and unofficial policy of benign fail: basically, the purposeful fail and marginalization of the Black/New Afrikan community, peculiarly the working poor and low-income. Nameless, faceless persons, constructed images used to facilitate racist notions of white-supremacy and Blackness inferiority.

Occasionally, the cover is forcefully exposed. For example, the tragedies associated with the victims and survivors of Hurricane Katrina and more recently, the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Many urban areas, having adapted to decades of Jim Crow and de-facto segregation, were now dealing with the collateral impairment experienced equally a result of the rebellions of the 1960'due south. These communities were later on abased and blood-red-lined by white business organization and financial institutions.

More recently, those same inner-city areas and neighborhoods are now being 'discovered' and developed by collaborative legions of local public officials, misguided non-profits, financial institutions and state speculators.
This has resulted in the wholesale deportation of entire neighborhoods, school-closings and the dispersion and re-concentration of asymmetric poverty and violence in outlying county areas.

Metropolitan centers such equally New York, Detroit, Philadelphia and Chicago have been experiencing this procedure for several years. More recently, Pittsburgh, PA and Allegheny County can be added to the mix.

This flawed and racist practice has gained undeserved legitimacy and legal protection through the creation and passage of diverse types of 'State Depository financial institution' legislation. These laws make it easier for land speculators and so-called developers to grab unabridged tracts of properties in a single sweep and featherbed whatsoever significant overview and sanction by elected officials of those districts.
The new forms of 'benign neglect' accept greatly contributed to the re-concentration of poverty, educational failure, violence and hyper-gentrification. Permit's finish this madness.

Justice in our Lifetime,
Khalid Raheem
President & CEO
National Council for Urban Peace and Justice (world wide web.ncupj.internet)


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