What Does Revervada Y Ordenada Mean in English Funny in Spanish

funny spanish phrases

437 million people speak Spanish as a first language, making it the second most spoken native language in the world.

While Chinese takes the cake as the most widely spoken language, learning Spanish is still a tremendous asset.

If you're learning Spanish at the moment, you may want to take some time to learn some funny Spanish phrases. These phrases can brighten up your day and help make learning Spanish a little more fun. You can even try some of them out while traveling in a Spanish speaking country.

Surprise your Spanish teacher or your friends with some of the humorous phrases. Use them to not only delight and amuse but also to build up your Spanish vocabulary!

1. Ponte las pilas

"Ponte las pilas," is one phrase that doesn't really translate literally, as the literal translation doesn't make much sense. In Spanish, the phrase is meant to tell someone to work hard. However, it directly translates to, "Put on your batteries."

You can make your friends who don't know Spanish idioms well laugh with this one. But it is a good reminder that not everything translates directly.

2. Se puso hasta las chanclas

Most languages, especially romances languages, have funny phrases to do with drinking. Spanish is, of course, no different. This phrase directly translates to "S/he put themselves up to the sandals." It is a hilarious idiom that is similar to stating in English that the person you are speaking about got drunk.

3. Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda

This tricky phrase plays with Spanish grammar, so you should use this website to make sure your grammar is on point.

Another idiom, directly translated it means, "Even if a female monkey dresses in silk, she will stay a monkey." It is the equivalent to the English phrase, "You can't put lipstick on a pig."

The word mona can mean a variety of things from stating someone is sleeping to someone being drunk. This is a tricky one, so make sure you can identify its correct usage.

4. Lavar cerdos con jabon es perder tiempo y jabon

One thing you've probably already learned about Spanish is that its idioms are pretty funny when put into English.

This phrase is similarly an idiom that we have in English, but it is a bit more descriptive than ours.

Directly translated, this sentence states, "Washing pigs with soap is both a waste of time and soap."

The word "waste" in this sentence is subjective, as one can translate "perder" to "to lose" or "to waste."

However, this phrase is a very creative way to tell someone that what they're doing is a total waste of time.

5. Tienes la cara como una nevera por detras

You might want to save this one for shouting at your opponents when you play sports or your friends in jest instead of trying it out on your Spanish teacher. You might even shout it to get a little anger out.

This phrase is an insult that translates to, "You have a face like the back of a fridge."

The back of a refrigerator isn't too pleasant to look at, so one can assume this is what the phrase means. It might be similar to our phrase, "You have a face that only a mother could love."

6. El burro sabe mas que tu

This is another phrase to avoid shouting at your teacher and instead save it for your friends. This phrase directly translates to, "Donkeys know more than you do!" Although we don't have a phrase that is incredibly similar in English, it is basically a long way of calling someone stupid.

Don't use this one in the classroom, but instead save it for playful insults toward your friends or sports team opponents.

7. Funny Spanish Phrases: A Joke! "Que le dijo un pez a otro pez? Nada!"

This is a play on words that you'll get if you're already somewhat adept in Spanish.

Directly translated, this joke says, "What did one fish say to the other? Nothing!"

While that may not seem funny directly translated to an English speaker, the word "nada" in Spanish can mean both "to swim" and "nothing." Therefore, the fish said both "nothing" and "swim!" to the other fish.

8. Las palabras se las lleva el viento

This Spanish phrase is a little bit more serious than some of the others, however it rings true. Directly translated, it says, "The wind blows words away." This is equivalent to the English idioms, "Talk is cheap" and "Actions speak louder than words."

All three of these phrases convey the sentiment that although someone can talk a good game, it doesn't mean they will necessarily follow through.

9. Another Joke You Can't Quite Translate, "Que le dijo una ganza a la otra? Venganza!"

If you love corny jokes, this one will be right up your alley. However, you should note that this joke, like the one with the fish, does not work in English.

Directly translated, it says, "What did one goose say to the other? Revenge!"

Although this doesn't really make sense in English, "ven" is Spanish for the command "come" and "ganza" is the word for "goose." Therefore, the punchline is both "come goose," and "revenge."

10. Hay dos palabras que te abriran muchas puertas: Empuje y jale

This is a little joke that works when directly translated but is corny in either language. It says, "There are two words that will open many doors for you: push and pull."

Although somewhat cheesy, it is definitely self-explanatory. It should give the listener at least a tiny chuckle if nothing else.

Using Phrases in Your Everyday Life

Try to incorporate some of these funny Spanish phrases into your everyday life. You will both beef up your grammar and learning something about the culture surrounding the language. You can even ask your Spanish teacher or some of your native Spanish speaking friends what they know about the phrase and whether they've heard or used it before.

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Source: https://quoteslogy.com/the-10-funniest-phrases-you-can-say-in-spanish/

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